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Covid-19 sanitary requirements

Epidemiological situation

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Due to the epidemiological situation in Poland, we have introduced additional safety and hygiene rules that will allow you to have a safe and peaceful stay with us. Please feel free to read our guide.


▪ We have designated waiting places for people queuing for the reception.

▪ We have reduced the guest service time to the minimum while ensuring our customer service remains comprehensive.

▪ Unlimited access to disinfectants for guests in the reception hall.

▪ Guests are encouraged to disinfect their hands before starting to check-in.

▪ The reception desk, telephones, payment terminals and other public areas are regularly disinfected by our staff.

▪ During check-in we inform guests on the security procedures in force within the building and ask them to sign a statement acknowledging their acceptance and adherence to these guidelines.

▪ It is strictly forbidden for individuals who have not checked-in to stay in a hotel room.

▪ We encourage our guests to make cashless payments. We disinfect the terminals after each use.

▪ We disinfect room cards on an ongoing basis.

▪ We provide separate communication routes for guests entering and leaving the hotel.

▪ We disinfect and air the entire reception area every day.


▪ We disinfect every hotel room after guests check-out.

▪ We air the hotel rooms for at least 15 minutes after guests have checked-out.

▪ Each hotel room is thoroughly cleaned and all surfaces such as the countertops, doorknobs, switches, telephones, remote controls are disinfected by our staff with special disinfectants.

▪ We will only clean your room during your stay upon request.

▪ Rooms cleaning service staff shall be provided with disposable gloves, which shall be disposed of after cleaning each room.


▪ Hand sanitizer is available by the reception.

▪ A meal collection area has been designated for your comfort.

General access areas

▪ Disinfectant dispensers are available in general access areas, including the reception, in front of the restaurant and in front of the lift.

▪ We regularly air and disinfect all general access areas.

▪ Dispensers with disinfectant and bactericidal soaps are available in general access toilets.

▪ Hand washing instructions are displayed in every toilet and at each disinfectant dispenser.

▪ We pay special attention when disinfecting the lift, the toilets and handrails in the stairwells in common areas.

Staff members

▪ All members of staff strictly observe our work rules. Each member of staff regularly disinfects their work tools, looks after the hygiene of their hands and ensures that their hands are clean.

▪ We have provided specific training for employees on how to comply with particular safety measures. We are running an information campaign for staff on how to take special precautions according to GIS and WHO recommendations.

▪ We provide unrestricted access to hand disinfectant for staff in staff areas.

▪ We have implemented additional disinfecting of common areas for employees – cloakrooms, kitchens, staff rooms and storerooms.

▪ Wherever possible we observe the 2 meter social distancing rule to ensure our workplaces are safe.

Your safety is paramount to us.
We will do our utmost to ensure your safety.

Our rooms

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